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Jul 30, 2010


Powkie is sick since yesterday.  And I am feeling sick too.  But one thing for sure, I am not a dog.  Typing this post to let you know am still alive.  Talk to you soon.

Jul 28, 2010


Gone are the days when the king and queen of communication were the newspaper and the magazine, for the infinite possibilities of the powerful World Wide Web have supposed these media forms.  The extent and speed which the Internet could serve its followers has truly pushed the frontiers of communication, making for one compelling reason for small and medium-sized enterprises to take advantage of the Internet to boost their business.  Many believe that businesspeople these days are very fortunate to be living in the Internet age when anything written and uploaded on the net has potential of being seen and read by millions.  Indeed, everything we do using Internet technology is a sure success. 

Today, almost everyone uses the Web as a medium to gather and spread information from anywhere in the world.  These days 70% globally are connected to the Internet making the World Wide Web a fertile marketing ground.  Aside from this reach, the Web offers low-cost and even free marketing to entrepreneurs in several ways like web and email marketing. Creating websites, for one, is powerful because it gives Internet users a resource for latest updates on products and services, and possible sales leads to the business.  Putting a business website with a secure domain name will cost a minimal fee, though, but returns for such investment are always desirable.  Choose the best web and email hosting service that offers advanced premium e-mail solutions hosted on dedicated custom e-mail platforms.

Jul 25, 2010


The lady at the postal counter 1 is always smiling to people.  She's been nice to all.  I figured she's already on her 50's but still looks active.  Iloilo City postal employees are so nice unlike some I encountered before when I was in high school.  The postman who delivers my postcards, letters and some packages is always ready to serve.  Sometimes I request him to bring and drop my postcards on the mail box. 

I decided to have my own Postal Office Box finally.I am into postcrossing project and I do have penpals in some parts of the world.  

Now, I can check my box anytime and any day of the week.  I even chose my own box number.  It's easy to memorize as 123.


I bought some office supplies in a department store last weekend.  When I was at the counter to pay, I've observed that their service was inefficient.  Both the cashier and the packer did not know how to serve the customers in a more effective way.  The packer did not know how to fold the gift wrappers I bought.  She was about to tie them with plastic straw but I grabbed it and showed her how to do the right way to wrap it around with the small plastic bag and scotch tape.  I wondered if they undergone a training or orientation before they do their duties. Training courses or orientation is really important in sales department.  Even actors undergo workshop before they do a movie or T.V. series.  Manny Pacquiao do sport training.  In business, Softcom Training helps to improve and develop your skills for a certain job or position.

Jul 22, 2010


This braided box is made out of raw natural straws called "Pandan" leaves from Leyte province, eastern part of Visayas, Philippines.  It is where I store my eraser and liquid corrector.

The "Pandan" wallet is where I found the piece of paper I was looking for the whole afternoon.  I love to collect native products nowadays.  Back to basic.

Jul 18, 2010


I was supposed to accompany my friend to watch a Star Cinema movie- Cinco.   He texted me last Friday that he broke up with his partner/bf for more than 2 years.  I don't want him to sing Too Much Love Will Kill You or I am afraid he gonna kill himself(knock on wood) so I said yes even if I don't like much horror movie especially if it's a Filipino film.  For a change he gonna scream his heart out while watching the said horror movie.  In support with a friend, I gonna scream with him and to comfort him.  So I canceled "the meet ups" with my high school friends in the last minute.  And in the last minute my broken-hearted friend canceled our supposed to be movie-watching yesterday.  I ended up working the whole Saturday fixing my things in the office.

I spent Saturday night doing my postcard album and I was able to put 6 pages postcards until 2 am.  As expected, I woke up late so I was not able to attend the Sunday early mass.  The whole morning I created a felt paper Garfield wall decor inspired by Jim Davis and did a makeover of the paper craft I created way back 2008.  I gonna send them to my newly found friend online.  We've met through postcrossing project.  We are exchanging emails, sharing the same interest, same way of life and a lot more.  We have some things in common.  One thing I don't have that he has is a partner.  Lmao.  He has a cat and I have a dog. 

I met Harry again and we watched a mall show.  We ate and talked as if the last time we met was like ages.  Non-stop laughter, nakaka-distress!   The best laughter I had before we separate ways when he grabbed my can and took a photo of someone's behind. 

Have a wonderful work day tomorrow!

Jul 13, 2010


I am not a perfectionist.  I just want to organize things particularly my mess.  I am "makalat or burara" because I have a mañana habit.  It's easy to stash away the things meant for storage,  But it's often a chore finding them when you finally need to use them.  I really want to achieve the arrange-it-now way of organizing things.  I am working it still.  In fact, I've done a couple of things organized this week after I searched to death a piece of important paper.  It took the whole afternoon for me to find it.  Hinanap ko pati sa trash can.  Finally, I found it inside a native pouch.

I tried to be organized again and again.  They say, don't stop dreaming.  Habang may buhay, may pag-asa.  In organizing things, habang may mga bagay, may kalat talaga.  Kaya don't stop fixing it.  Kapag hindi mo na kaya, kumuha ka na ng yaya.  I ended up searching online how to organize things since I can't afford to hire a professional organizer. I applied it on small package first.  I grabbed my writing item purses.  I have two purses, one i keep at home and the other one I bring everyday.

this one I bring everyday

this one I just keep at home

I started organizing them by spreading everything on the table.  

I made separate piles for that I want to bring, keep and throw away.  

I gathered the items I use everyday.

I put on "keep it" pile the items I only use at home during art and craft projects.

I threw all the items in the "throw away pile out.

And the organized operation done.

'Yung throw away label? Syempre tinapon ko na rin.

Jul 9, 2010


I had a "catch up" date with one of my friends in high school.  We seldom see each other but when our vacant time meets, we go for it.  No plan actually.

I am a loyal Kapamilya and he is working in the rivalry network yet we still friends like Judy Ann Santos and Jolina Magdangal.  lol.  We never talk about rivalry though.  But he is the type of person you can get the latest information about celebrities and well-known individuals in the city.

Moi:  Do you know this fashion model I've been stalk in FB?

Him:  Oh yeah.  He and a fashion designer are the "item".

Moi:  I added a regional TV host/Dj in FB but he ignored me.  I used to watch him early in the morning before I go to work.

Him:  Hmm, there's a rumor that he is gay. BTW, I have two talents.  One is good in singing as in bumibirit.  The other one can play the piano well. 

Moi:  You got it!  Pilipinas got talent.

We decided to dine in the newest Mexican resto in the city- the MOOON CAFE.   It is located at Paseo Robinson's PLace, de leon St., Iloilo City and owned by Pages Holdings, Inc.  I ordered reviving fruit combo and pasta ala mooon.  He ordered watermelon shake and pasta carbonara.  We added pizza jalapeno diablo (photo above).  I loved the taste of pasta ala moon with peanut.  But when it comes to pizza, my friend was sweating and just bite a slice.  Me too.  lol.  It was kinda hot that we decided to take it out.   As a consolation, I asked the waitress why there are three O in the word moon.  According to her,  the three O's stands for the three students of UP who worked for the interior designs of the said restaurant. 

We had a great conversation.  I dunno when I can meet Harry again.

Jul 4, 2010


People who close to me both personally and virtually know the real me- I am gay.  They don’t know the whole story though- the struggles, the depression and more that I hid to tell.  Recently I posted something so personal about my gay life, I received some calls, encouragements, and non-stop questions. 

I only open up with other gays online.  I communicate with them in the chat rooms and in some gay networking sites to let myself be in and will be in the unique gay world.  But I think, I am so lucky today to find a gay blog that I really like.  DarkQ gay blog is absolutely different.  Unlike the other gay blogs I discovered, it is non-pornographic blog.  It tackles gay issues in a positive side and other common and up-to-date topics in the community, current issues, entertainment, beauty tips and health.  I can relate almost all the post title that makes me so excited to read them all from April to the latest post.  I got some cool tips and learned some things reading the said gay blog. I am looking forward to read and know more. 


I never enter the male's comfort room in my whole high school life.  It doesn't mean I used the the female's C.R.  Of course not!  What do you think of me?! I released everything when I went home at lunch time and I did the same ritual when I went home late in the afternoon from school.  I really don't like peeing in the public toilet.  I hate to flush the waste of other people before I have my turn to pee.  Speaking of public toilet, why other people love to pee in public wall or any other open place? 

"Bawal umihi dito!"

I am used to see public display of affection nowadays.

But I can't forget a particular incident happened one night when I was in a bar with my high school classmates.  There was a Korean couple kissing each other outside the comfort room. Moreover, they did more than that.  All of the sudden my high school girl friend whispered to them....
"Get a room!"


New Website to be promoted

Do you see the latest commercial of Ms. Gretchen Barretto showing and talking about her luxury stuffs?  Her expensive make up, jewelry collection and more.  Most people dream of having them and waiting for an auction.  Well, well, well, provides luxury items not only for girls nor boys but for everybody.  It features auctions including cars and vacations.  I can't wait to check fantastic items on the very first day of its web launch on July 12, 2010.  For the meantime you can check the test site @

Jul 3, 2010


Yahoo!  Msn!  Plurk!  Blogger!  Facebook!  Multiply!  DL!  Twitter!  Whatelse?  It's a Saturday afternoon and I am so happy because I can park online up to sawa.   It's already the 3rd day of July.  The first month of the mid-year.  June ended meaningful to me as a Filipino citizen who keep on wanting a big change in the government system.  On June 30 was the inauguration of the newly elected President and Vice-President, Benigno Simeon C. Aquino III and Jejomar Binay respectively.  It was one of the successful event in the Philippine's history.  I liked Charice Pempengco who sang the Philippine National Anthem and the rest of the talented singers.  I witnessed the unity in the Philippine T.V. I hope it will happen in real life and under the newly elected government officials. 

On the same day was the national showing of the movie "Eclipse"  So far, I liked this 3rd installment of Twilight Saga.  It is because the vampires and the werewolves united to fight the Vampire newborns.  The love-triangle drove me crazy that even I belong to Team Edward, I can't help to stare shirtless Jacob :-p especially when he said, "I am hotter than you."   Needless to say, Edward hitch leg scene was the best scene for me!


There are five types of insurance that all entrepreneurs need for their business:

1.  PROPERTY INSURANCE WITH PROVISIONS FOR ACTS OF GOD AND MACHINE BREAKDOWN- This protects the facilities used by the business, such as shops and factories.  It also provides protection against risks to property, such as fire, theft, some weather damage and machinery breakdown.

2.  BUSINESS INTERRUPTION COVER- This covers cases of temporarily moving one's business location.  This is particularly useful during disasters, when operations are disrupted, forcing the evacuation of a business.

3.  LIABILITY INSURANCE- This offers specific protection against third party claims- payment is not made to the insured, but to someone suffering loss and who is not a party to the insurance contract.  In general, damage caused intentionally and contractual liability is not covered by liability  insurance policies. 

4.  PERSONAL ACCIDENT INSURANCE FOR THE WORKFORCE-  This provides coverage for accident injuries to employees, and is particularly helpful for companies with delivery personnel.  This typically covers costs of hospitalization and medicine.

5.  MARINE CARGO INSURANCE-  This offers protection for the products of manufacturers and traders who ship and transport them to different locations.  It covers the loss of damage of ships, cargo, terminals, and any transport or property by which the cargo is transferred, acquired, or held between the points of origin and final destination.

To choose the right policy for business insurance, entrepreneurs must understand the risks their businesses face . There is a business insurance in Arizona that has a reputation for settling claims in a fair and timely manner.  There is assurance to do business with Maryland home insurance company.