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Apr 2, 2009


As with many developments in approaches to weight loss, some high-profile and well-publicized cases amongst celebrities have increased the public awareness of lap band are Khaliah Ali, the daughter of Muhammad Ali, Fern Britton, Guillermo del Toro, Brian Dennehy, Anne Diamond, Joesph R. Gannascoli, Harry Knowles, Mikey Robbins Caitlin Van Zandt, Ann Wilson, Al Roker, Benedict Francis and more. Joe Grande mentioned on his show that he has gained weight using LAP BAND. And Tina Malone also mentioned that she had a gastric band fitted while talking to housemates of the Celebrity Big Brother 2009 (UK) TV series. These are among the LAP BAND TESTIMONIALS. And there are inspired LAP BAND BEFORE AND AFTER stories. Just call 1-800 GET-SLIM for more information and free consultation.

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