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Aug 22, 2008


Once I thought a question just in my mind after seeing two deaf-mutes talked to each other using sign language. If I have to choose only one of five senses to have or retain, I will choose the sense of sight. It is the considered the important and most complex of the five senses. You can appreciate most of the things that you can see. We have many features which protects the eye. The eyebrows which prevent sweat from running into them. The eyelashes help keep the eye clean by collecting small dirt and dust particles floating through the air. It also protect the eye from the sun’s and other light’s glare. The eyelids on the other hand, sweep dirt from the surface of the eye. It also protects the eyes from injury.

There are some people who unfortunately lost their sense of sight due to some circumstances, accident or blind since birth. And not all people have perfect vision. People who can see things up close but not far away are considered to be nearsighted and the opposite are farsighted. Whether a person is nearsighted or farsighted, glasses or contacts help him/her to see things much more clearly. But the most surgical alternative to wearing corrective eyeglasses or contact lenses is called LATIK (laser-assisted in situ keratomileusis). It is a popular elective refractive laser eye surgery performed by ophthalmologists for the correction of myopia, hyperopia, and astigmatism. Using these advances in laser technology and the technical and theoretical developments in refractive surgery made since the 50’s. LASIK surgery was developed in 1990 by Lucio Buratto of Italy and Joannis Pallikaris of Greece. It quickly became popular and accepted because of its greater precision and lower frequency of complications compared to kerotomileusis and photorefractive keratectomy techniques. There are several necessary preparations in the preoperative, during and postoperative period. LASIK is performed in three steps. The first step is to create a flap of corneal tissue. The second step is remodeling of the cornea underneath the flap with the laser. And finally, the flap is repositioned. There are more LASIK information to know in order to have safety and better visual results. For more information just visit

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