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Jul 11, 2008


Several times I experienced of losing my files stored in the computer. There was a time I accidentally deleted it on the folder. Some of my files I forgot where I saved it and some I thought I already saved it. There are some problems to be encountered online. Our data is important to us. In order to secure our data files, it is necessary to back it up. At least when there’s computer trouble happens, we still have a copy. Circumstances like flood and fire are unexpected to happen anytime.

There are a lot of online backup service companies and it is hard to find the best among the bests. IBackup - Online Backup is the top when it comes to online backup and storage service. It received several awards including the “Webuser Gold Award” conferred by PC Magazine Editor’s Choice. It’s PC World Magazine’s favorite backup service. It offers AES 256-bit encryption of data on storage & retain up to 30 versions of data online. It provides highly customizable and secure online backup, online storage, access and data sharing solution. It has Snapshots feature that enable to view older copies of data. Network Drive for easy drag-in-drop operations, sub accounts, web folders etc. It has IBackup for windows such as IBackup for Mac, IBackup Drive, Multimedia Drive, IBackup Drive for Mac, Web-Manager, Webfolders, SQL Server Backup, Exchange Server Backup Oracle Server Backup and Hot Sites. IBackup - Online Backup guarantees a superior performance, user-friendly and worry free.

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