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Sep 11, 2012


Oh, I delayed to post my weekly online journal this week coz I was kinda tired from an island travel.  Of course it's my forever favorite island to visit- the Guimaras island.  Back then, the first two days of the week were great.  John, my iloy treated us a snack and we had a bountiful lunch like it's like a feast!  So I took a chance to grab this happy moment.  This is it!  Thanks iloy!

Micai- the thoughtful, the nice and the kikay girl created this funny photo application by muzy.  Thanks for the mustache girl!

Finally, I was able to watch the indie movie of Eddie Garcia last Friday.  The story is about an old gay waiting for his time of death.  It was a nice movie!

And last Sunday, we went to Guimaras island again.  It was somewhat a road trip with Micai, Ng BB and her daughter April.  We visited Holy Family Hills in San Lorenzo, Navalas century old church and the Roca Encantada  in Buenavista.  More of this on my other blog to post in the coming days.

For now, I need to sleep.  It's already quarter to 2 am.  Later....

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