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Aug 22, 2008


The number of Sex Offenders is increased nowadays. Most of them are Sex Offenders against minors. Sex Offenders have tendency to repeat sexual offense. In the United States, the person is required to register with the respective jurisdiction’s sex offender registry, if convicted, a state wide database that is often public and accessible to everyone through the internet. It is a law called Megan’s Law. Megan’s Law is an informal name for laws in the United States that requires law enforcement authorities to make information available to the public regarding registered Sex Offenders.

The provides valuable and accurate information about Sex Offenders. It allows you to search for sex predator’s data by state, city, country or zip code. It is important to have up to date and valuable information and to keep your loved ones safe.


Anonymous said...

Most sex ofenders do NOT have a tendency to repeat their crimes (less than 5% nationally). Please research your data from actual studies done rather than spreading gossip you no doubt retrieved from a 'pop culture' book.

RedLan said...

I am only saying there's a TENDENCY TO REPEAT their crimes unless they will be caught and put in jail. I even saw in national T.V. some sex offenders continually do sexual offense before they're caught. The site on this post provides valuable and accurate information about Sex Offenders.

JR said...

TV! Unfortunately, that is were most people get their information. Try looking at the US Dept of Justice website. There you will get actual research statistics. Not what someone on TV says. Here's a link to a site I think it would be good for you to read:
It is right offthe US DOJ site.

RedLan said...

Okay thanks Mr. Jr.

RedLan said...

Whether we believe or not in what we hear, see and read, what matter most is we're aware of what's happening around us.

RedLan said...

Whether we believe or not in what we hear, see and read, what matter most is we're aware of what's happening around us.